View Full Version : Taphephobia: The Fear of Being Buried Alive

18-Sep-10, 10:22
many people i know have taphephobia....

guess this guy was lucky!


18-Sep-10, 11:19
Thats pretty scary, I also am a mild taphephobic but knowing that it doesn't take long before you run out of oxygen and asphyxiate comforts me somewhat :).

18-Sep-10, 12:18
Glass coffins have been the idea bandied about to prevent being buried alive. Remains to be seen.

18-Sep-10, 18:40
I want a victorian bell above ground so if i am buried alive i can ring it and be saved!

Knowing my luck i will be ringing it like mad when bell ringing practice is underway and will just blend in with the general clanging.

Kevin Milkins
18-Sep-10, 18:49
I always thought taphephobia was a fear of the Welsh.;)

18-Sep-10, 18:50
I want a victorian bell above ground so if i am buried alive i can ring it and be saved!

Knowing my luck i will be ringing it like mad when bell ringing practice is underway and will just blend in with the general clanging.

Bell practice is an important part of scottish culture, it would be unfortunate if someone died prematurely due to this seemingly harmless tradition.

18-Sep-10, 23:28
ok so for a bit of fun..........

how could you prevent accidental burying alive?
wether it be coffin design or medical procedure?

what warning signal, escape plan could you have?

19-Sep-10, 00:34
ok so for a bit of fun..........

how could you prevent accidental burying alive?
wether it be coffin design or medical procedure?

what warning signal, escape plan could you have?

a Tibetan sky burial would be the best way to avoid premature burial

we've got the hills but we'd would need to replace the vultures with scorries ...

19-Sep-10, 17:58
a Tibetan sky burial would be the best way to avoid premature burial

we've got the hills but we'd would need to replace the vultures with scorries ...

that'd hurt!
think i'd rather suffocate in my coffin! lol

also i'd rather being buried alive to cremated alive!:eek: