View Full Version : Nurture vs nature?

12-Sep-10, 20:23
Can we beat nature? Can we overcome something we have gentically?

Is it our genes or the way we are brought up that determine what we are like?

As an example of nature over nurture, my partner has a friend who's birth father had a horrible temper and his mother was an alcholic. He though being brought by foster parents has the same problems.

As an example of nurture over nature, My siblings and I were brought up to not judge someone on their skin colour or culture and that it is a person's character that matters. All of us are non judgemental because of this.

What do you think?

12-Sep-10, 20:27
If it were ever to be proved that nurture coulnd't overcome nature then I think castration and srelilising would be able do be ordered by the stae.

12-Sep-10, 20:59
If it were ever to be proved that nurture coulnd't overcome nature then I think castration and srelilising would be able do be ordered by the stae.

Very true but there are situations in which nurture lost out to nature. This has been found in people who become serial killers. It's been proven that a link to a possiblitly is torturing and killing animals as children and then moving onto other people as a teen and adult. Some serial killers have come from good famlies but they have got a defective gene(a gene that causes them to get a high or a rush or a calmness from killing something and seeing the person or animal they have killed die) that has perhaps missed a generation.

I do believe that both nature and nurture have a hand in it. There are thinga about people you can't change but you can make better. As an example a impatient child can learn to be patient over time and a quick tempered child can learn to control their temper in time.