View Full Version : The Doghouse Gang

14-Jul-06, 20:58
Here's a new thread for those of us who are constantly ending up in the doghouse, despite everything we do. This will mostly apply to men 'cause its the wimmin that puts us there.

My name's Ricco and I'm in the doghouse. I bought the garden seat that I was nagged to buy and it wasn't the 'right' one. :~(

Carlo Gambino
14-Jul-06, 21:11
Im not in there with you this evening Ricco, Heaven know`s why not? I tend to go to the doghouse several times a week.

14-Jul-06, 21:21
Im not in there with you this evening Ricco, Heaven know`s why not? I tend to go to the doghouse several times a week.

I know exactly what you mean.


14-Jul-06, 21:49
It's all your own fault for puttng up with it...lol :roll:

Billy Boy
14-Jul-06, 21:57
my name is mr billy boy and i send myself to the dog house every month for a few days (at the same time each month):lol: :lol:

14-Jul-06, 23:01
[quote=Mr & Mrs Billy Boy]my name is mr billy boy and i send myself to the dog house every month for a few days (at the same time each month) /quote]

Nice to meet a man who knows his place!!!!! lol ;)

15-Jul-06, 03:18
Here's a new thread for those of us who are constantly ending up in the doghouse, despite everything we do. This will mostly apply to men 'cause its the wimmin that puts us there.

My name's Ricco and I'm in the doghouse. I bought the garden seat that I was nagged to buy and it wasn't the 'right' one. :~(

Be done with complaining. Evacuate the doghouse. Just pack up the garden seat, take it back and bring home the right one.

15-Jul-06, 21:12
Be done with complaining. Evacuate the doghouse. Just pack up the garden seat, take it back and bring home the right one.
Ricco, stay where you are its safer, let Mrs R get her own garden seat if she is so picky, Us Underdogs must become Brothers, I'll come and join you....if Mrs G lets me :(

Billy Boy
15-Jul-06, 21:35
[quote=Mr & Mrs Billy Boy]my name is mr billy boy and i send myself to the dog house every month for a few days (at the same time each month) /quote]

Nice to meet a man who knows his place!!!!! lol ;)

its not so much knowin my place, it just makes life easier lol:lol:

15-Jul-06, 22:04
Be done with complaining. Evacuate the doghouse. Just pack up the garden seat, take it back and bring home the right one.

Ah, its not that I got the wrong one; I got the 'wrong one'. You know... it actually was the right one but not at that precise moment.

Today it IS the right one and we even got the seat cushions.:D

15-Jul-06, 23:18

its not so much knowin my place, it just makes life easier lol:lol:

Perhaps you could draw a map of how to get there for my husband!. I'm sure he would appreciate the peace and quiet.Well there are 4 women in our household and with only 4 weeks in the month.......I'll let you draw your own conclusions!!! lol :D

16-Jul-06, 14:54
Poor guy! I'll pass him my MBD hat so that he can go forth and get support and care wherever he goes. Me, I'm about to go out and break rock for 15 minutes to make reparation. :Razz

16-Jul-06, 15:33
Here's a new thread for those of us who are constantly ending up in the doghouse, despite everything we do. This will mostly apply to men 'cause its the wimmin that puts us there.

My name's Ricco and I'm in the doghouse. I bought the garden seat that I was nagged to buy and it wasn't the 'right' one. :~(

Gee a wummin an inch an theyll take a mile, you gota keep them on a short lead

16-Jul-06, 17:49
Ah, its not that I got the wrong one; I got the 'wrong one'. You know... it actually was the right one but not at that precise moment.

Today it IS the right one and we even got the seat cushions.:D

Sorry Ricco, that made absolutely no sense to me. But then I am part of the female side of this discussion.

But if the cushions made it work then I guess that you got it right in the end and that is what counts.

16-Jul-06, 18:03
If the place of banishment for we males is called the Doghouse, would naming the female equivalent get us sent to jail?. Woof woof.

16-Jul-06, 18:44
I was due to go back to sea and was busy catching up with last minute jobs which I had saved up as usual. I laid a carpet in our toilet but couldn't find my tacks so used "little" nails instead. A very decent job if I say so myself.

Flew down to London the next day and was in the hotel waiting to fly out when I got a phone call from my wife about copious amounts of water running down the kitchen walls, so she had called out the plumber.......................yes you guessed one of my "little" nails had gone into a central heating pipe causing a small leak. Boy was I in the doghouse, luckily I was at sea for 5 months, she had sorted it all out and calmed down by the time I got home, but I am not allowed to forget it.

Billy Boy
16-Jul-06, 19:06
[quote=Mr & Mrs Billy Boy]

Perhaps you could draw a map of how to get there for my husband!. I'm sure he would appreciate the peace and quiet.Well there are 4 women in our household and with only 4 weeks in the month.......I'll let you draw your own conclusions!!! lol :D

lol i thought i had it bad ,i take it he has a good therapist[lol]

16-Jul-06, 19:10
If the place of banishment for we males is called the Doghouse, would naming the female equivalent get us sent to jail?. Woof woof.


16-Jul-06, 19:20
Be done with complaining. Evacuate the doghouse. Just pack up the garden seat, take it back and bring home the right one.
From experience I can guarantee it will be the "wrong" right one!

I got in the Dog House the other week because I didn't know how to make Instant Coffee!
I made the dreadful mistake of putting one spoonful of coffee in the cup, followed by two spoons of sugar, added hot water and then milk.
I was reliably informed that the taste was ruined!

The method I should use is to put one spoonful of coffee in the cup, added hot water and then milk and only at that point should I have added the sugar.

Typical female, it's only taken her twenty years to notice I was completely incompetent when it comes to making Instant Coffee.

Fortunately she's gone back home now, (O happy days). She never has realised he considerate I am towards her. I never have told her that I prefer the dog-house. I much prefer the company there and the conversations more enjoyable as well! ;)

16-Jul-06, 21:11
If the place of banishment for we males is called the Doghouse, would naming the female equivalent get us sent to jail?. Woof woof.

Ever heard of the saying Gleber 2.....All men are animals,although it's fair to say that only a few of them make good pets !!! Ha Ha Ha :lol:

17-Jul-06, 14:26
Men need to go in the doghouse now and then so they know their place in the home!!!! It also gives them time to think what they do wrong all the time and how to be a better husband. I mean how long will it take them to realise that women are always right???

17-Jul-06, 15:04
From experience I can guarantee it will be the "wrong" right one!

I got in the Dog House the other week because I didn't know how to make Instant Coffee!
I made the dreadful mistake of putting one spoonful of coffee in the cup, followed by two spoons of sugar, added hot water and then milk.
I was reliably informed that the taste was ruined!

The method I should use is to put one spoonful of coffee in the cup, added hot water and then milk and only at that point should I have added the sugar.

Typical female, it's only taken her twenty years to notice I was completely incompetent when it comes to making Instant Coffee.

Fortunately she's gone back home now, (O happy days). She never has realised he considerate I am towards her. I never have told her that I prefer the dog-house. I much prefer the company there and the conversations more enjoyable as well! ;)

Don't worry too much about this issue. There is no competent way to make Instant Coffee.

17-Jul-06, 15:09
From experience I can guarantee it will be the "wrong" right one!

I got in the Dog House the other week because I didn't know how to make Instant Coffee!
I made the dreadful mistake of putting one spoonful of coffee in the cup, followed by two spoons of sugar, added hot water and then milk.
I was reliably informed that the taste was ruined!

The method I should use is to put one spoonful of coffee in the cup, added hot water and then milk and only at that point should I have added the sugar.

Typical female, it's only taken her twenty years to notice I was completely incompetent when it comes to making Instant Coffee.

Fortunately she's gone back home now, (O happy days). She never has realised he considerate I am towards her. I never have told her that I prefer the dog-house. I much prefer the company there and the conversations more enjoyable as well! ;)You'd think she'd just be glad someone was making a cup of coffee and kept her mouth shut even if she didn't think you made it the correct way. Either that or made it herself in the first place.... if you made it the correct way she'd probably complained that it should be stirred anticlockwise..:roll:

17-Jul-06, 15:12
Don't worry too much about this issue. There is no competent way to make Instant Coffee.

I couldn't agree more!

17-Jul-06, 16:15
I was on holiday in Weymouth Dorset and one of the pubs was called In The Doghouse. Just fancy getty a phone call to find out where you were.
Kind regards Ashes

17-Jul-06, 16:44
I couldn't agree more!

Finally, someone who understands. Do you want me to send a can of Tim Horton's finest?

05-Aug-06, 20:42
Finally, someone who understands. Do you want me to send a can of Tim Horton's finest?
Ohhh that and an Apple Fritter.

05-Aug-06, 20:46
But are we in the Doghouse becuase of us or them?

The Husband Store!

A store that sells husbands has just opened in the US, where a woman may
go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a
description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE

There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the
shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch . . .. you may
choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a
floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a
woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband .

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.

The second floor sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are
extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign

Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012th to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible
to please.

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit
the building, and have a nice day!

05-Aug-06, 21:59
I'll be in the doghouse if I don't get this flatpack shower cabinet built and plumbed in with no leaks. This instructions are so simple but the holes don't line up for the screws, a recipe for disaster. It is an absolute nightmare. Things don't look good atm.

05-Aug-06, 22:03
I'll be in the doghouse if I don't get this flatpack shower cabinet built and plumbed in with no leaks. This instructions are so simple but the holes don't line up for the screws, a recipe for disaster. It is an absolute nightmare. Things don't look good atm.Get her to do it, it'll be right then..lol:roll: If she can't manage, she'll appreciate you doing it then.

06-Aug-06, 06:35
My husband is never in the dog house. He just goes and drives off in the "kelvinator" (it has no heaters so it's like a fridge in winter.)
Come to think of it, the dogs live inside the house in front of a wood heater. On foam beds with their own blankets. They winge in the night if the fire goes out and I dutifully get up and stoke the fire. Oh I think I would like to be in the dog house around here. I am just the dog house slave! :roll:

The trucks: Kelvinator and Alley Cat

06-Aug-06, 08:24
My husband is never in the dog house. He just goes and drives off in the "kelvinator" (it has no heaters so it's like a fridge in winter.)
Come to think of it, the dogs live inside the house in front of a wood heater. On foam beds with their own blankets. They winge in the night if the fire goes out and I dutifully get up and stoke the fire. Oh I think I would like to be in the dog house around here. I am just the dog house slave! :roll:

The trucks: Kelvinator and Alley Cat

Nice rig! HOwever, If the dogs are in the comfort and warm and your hubby is out inthe cold and working - I woould say that he is in the doghouse. lol

Billy Boy
06-Aug-06, 17:57
[quote=Lolabelle]My husband is never in the dog house. He just goes and drives off in the "kelvinator" (it has no heaters so it's like a fridge in winter.)
Come to think of it, the dogs live inside the house in front of a wood heater. On foam beds with their own blankets. They winge in the night if the fire goes out and I dutifully get up and stoke the fire. Oh I think I would like to be in the dog house around here. I am just the dog house slave!

The trucks: Kelvinator and Alley Cat

are you looking for any new driver's lol,:D

06-Aug-06, 18:56
The Husband Store!

A store that sells husbands has just opened in the US, where a woman may
go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a
description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE

There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the
shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch . . .. you may
choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a
floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a
woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband .

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.

The second floor sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are
extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign

Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012th to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible
to please.

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit
the building, and have a nice day!

You have to know what women know about shopping in multi-level stores.

The First floor is for glitz and is expensive. Look but don't buy.

The Second floor is boring men's wear. Also pass by.

The Third floor is getting more serious. Can browze here.

The Fourth floor has practical stuff that usually means work involved.

The Fifth floor is where you go to return things.

The Sixth floor is where you find the good buys, but alas the Husband store missed that point.

07-Aug-06, 09:29
Bought the wife a new hammer drill--in the dog house so bought her a cordless drill same reaction so bought her a new wheelbarrow - no efect Wimen are so hard to please http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

07-Aug-06, 13:20
are you looking for any new driver's lol,:D[/quote]

Always, can never seem to find anyone reliable. Give me a terrible headache.

07-Aug-06, 13:25
But are we in the Doghouse becuase of us or them?

The Husband Store!

A store that sells husbands has just opened in the US, where a woman may
go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a
description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE

There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the
shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch . . .. you may
choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a
floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a
woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband .

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.

The second floor sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are
extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign

Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012th to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible
to please.

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit
the building, and have a nice day!

Sorry to be wowser, but I live on the fifth floor, well mostly.

07-Aug-06, 16:52
You wouldn't think a visit an innocent trip to the Black Isle Show would land you in the doghouse but... Told to check out a mannie selling a marvellous new indestructable saucepan that could never be burnt and with a life time guarantee. O.K., I found the huckster on his sales pitch and listened to it for a while until the price emerged, what? - £79 for a pan and isn't it a tad careless to be burning the pans anyway!

So I walked away and just happened to pick up a really cheap but really useful anglers fishing waistcoat instead. So that's why the dog and myself are sharing the same dish and accomodation for the forseeable future....

07-Aug-06, 17:13
Is there no learning going on here?

07-Aug-06, 22:37
One reason for this dire repition of domestic tension could be that we are victims of of our genetic programming.

It could well be that the 21st. century male hunter gatherer is still too easily distracted by the thought of new prey on the horizon to worry about minor domestic details back in the cave until retribution catches up with him as he walks in the door bearing a mammoth haunch or similar toothsome delight.

Well that's my excuse for buying the fishing accessory instead of the saucepan but perhaps its not a good time to peddle anthropological theories and its better to lie low in the dog house for a little longer!

08-Aug-06, 09:27
One reason for this dire repition of domestic tension could be that we are victims of of our genetic programming.

It could well be that the 21st. century male hunter gatherer is still too easily distracted by the thought of new prey on the horizon to worry about minor domestic details back in the cave until retribution catches up with him as he walks in the door bearing a mammoth haunch or similar toothsome delight.

Well that's my excuse for buying the fishing accessory instead of the saucepan but perhaps its not a good time to peddle anthropological theories and its better to lie low in the dog house for a little longer!

Errogie, your alternative purchase makes good sense to me, mate. The saucepan will only be classed as 'old' in the eyes of your fashion-struck spouse next year anyway. I know that you will get years and years of use out of your fishing jacket as I have out of mine.

How many times have our wives come back from the supermarket with yet another pairs of shoes, another blouse, another jacket - to add to the countless others in the wardrobe? (sayings about 'boot and other foot', and 'goose and gander' spring to mind here)

Does anyone else (male, of course) find hidden carrier bags all over the house? Those nasty little snip-offs? And the excuses! "Its years old", "I had nothing to wear with...". Oh - and how about "I needed a blue pair".... Pardon! you have 6 blue pairs!

Darn- I just heard the clink of my chain again.... :(

08-Aug-06, 09:33
Sorry, I had to comment, it sounds like me and the tags all over the place (I really try to dispose to them safely, but they escape and creep around the floor). Anyway, you gave me a really good laugh at myself and my pathetic excuses for pathetic purchases. Why is it women don't value the old and worn in items of clothing the way men do?[lol]

08-Aug-06, 13:46
My wife often has a 'clear out' for Oxfam and the like. She says that I just wear things out - well, all men do. :)

08-Aug-06, 18:28
So do any of you men still wear bleached jeans? :eek:

08-Aug-06, 18:38
Would you? Away ye go woman[lol]

08-Aug-06, 18:53
Ok would you go out on a date with someone wearing them? [disgust]

08-Aug-06, 18:58
Wise up, I want to go out on saturday with no broken bones. Bingobabe would kill me. Im sure I might have done in the past??:Razz Did you?

08-Aug-06, 19:06
Did I what, go out on a date with someone wearing bleaches? Yes, short ago..:o

08-Aug-06, 19:15
From the same place as the place you work in? Surely not Connie, Do they still have Bruce the Boss Springsteen at number 1 out there?[lol]

08-Aug-06, 19:20
You must be mad, the only thing worth picking up there is the wages..lol:roll:

08-Aug-06, 19:27
What about the bloke with the dodgy accent & that leather trousers, would ye?[lol] Pure Doghouse material that 1 eh?

08-Aug-06, 19:33
Oh, defintely!! :roll:

08-Aug-06, 20:07
Ja Fraulein Connie[lol] [lol]

08-Aug-06, 23:25
Bleach jeans - what are they?

11-Aug-06, 12:17

11-Aug-06, 22:29
Woof, woof - again.

Last Friday I agreed to do the shopping.... not everything I bought was viewed with enthusiasm, and the bill was frowned at.

This week I was asked again and (in my mistaken wisdom) I thought I would prudently decline. Bad answer! So, move over Fido - make some room. :eek:

20-Aug-06, 19:31
*opens door shoves in Mr Sassy slams door*

16-Sep-06, 13:14
Well, here I am again. Maybe I should give the interior a lick of paint and hang a couple of nice Caithness pictures on the walls.

I was asked what I fancied for dinner last night and I quickly said 'Curry' before the option was removed. Good, curry it would be. I asked if she wanted to come round to the supermarket to choose her own or have Chicken Tikka Byriani as usual - just the usual was the reply. So, I trots round, gets the curries and a bottle of nature's best red juice.

When I got back I was faced with the 'look' and "I thought you were going to the Indian takeaway!"

Errr, did I miss something in the conversation? :(

Billy Boy
16-Sep-06, 13:56
maybe your going like mrs bb,"deaf" i hope you apologised lol,(mrs bb never does)[lol]

16-Sep-06, 15:19
Sorry, Ricco, from the story as you told it I thought that you were going for take out. But then, we don't have ready curry in the grocery store here.

Could you offer to do the vacuuming and get yourself back into the main house at least for the quiz tomorrow?

16-Sep-06, 16:24
Sorry Ricco but it just goes to show that you can't teach an 'old dog' new tricks!!! lol........How many years did you say you have been married?
From the amount of time you're spending in the dog house these days it looks to me that you're heading for a permanent move very soon!!! :lol:

17-Sep-06, 00:33
Sorry, Ricco, from the story as you told it I thought that you were going for take out. But then, we don't have ready curry in the grocery store here.

Could you offer to do the vacuuming and get yourself back into the main house at least for the quiz tomorrow?

Cleaned the bathrom without asking - hope it works. ;)

the charlatans
17-Sep-06, 19:23
Can females join the doghouse or is it a male only domain?

If so can i come in because i stood on the bit in the loft floor where your not supposed to and cracked the ceiling below. oops :~( Thankfully it wasn't too bad but Mr Charlatans will be requiring to get the polyfilla out (i offered to do it but he insisted i didn't). Plus he's been away all weekend taking the baby with him so i could have time off. I feel pretty bad about it.

Also, can computers come in as this one keeps bombing me out. Or is there a doghouse specifically for computers?

I'll bring beer and an actual dog if that helps!

17-Sep-06, 19:53
Could you offer to do the vacuuming and get yourself back into the main house at least for the quiz tomorrow?
If you touch a vacuum cleaner, you are no longer in the all male .Org bestest clique, let her stew, she will enjoy that [lol]

17-Sep-06, 20:28
Can females join the doghouse or is it a male only domain?

If so can i come in because i stood on the bit in the loft floor where your not supposed to and cracked the ceiling below. oops :~( Thankfully it wasn't too bad but Mr Charlatans will be requiring to get the polyfilla out (i offered to do it but he insisted i didn't). Plus he's been away all weekend taking the baby with him so i could have time off. I feel pretty bad about it.

Also, can computers come in as this one keeps bombing me out. Or is there a doghouse specifically for computers?

I'll bring beer and an actual dog if that helps!

Ma'am - you are welcome to come in. The requisite is that you were doing what you thought was right... what was asked and still got it 'wrong'. By all means bring the PC (maybe we can fix it) and the beer is most welcome.. but not the dog - they have their own doghouse, you see. ;)

Maybe one day someone will take time to explain to those of us in the doghouse why we appear to be always wrong even when we have taken great pains to make sure that we did things right.

17-Sep-06, 21:51
You men are just as guilty of being judge and jury. I regularly send myself to the rabbit runs (equivalent of doghouse) Oh to be perfect!:D

18-Sep-06, 03:31
Maybe one day someone will take time to explain to those of us in the doghouse why we appear to be always wrong even when we have taken great pains to make sure that we did things right.

Attitude, it is the attitude that is the issue.

25-Sep-06, 23:02
Heavens, I thought this thread had died out weeks ago but then perhaps its just like an old bone buried in the garden that keeps getting dug up again because its just too tasty and requires some reacquaintance.
Now that's very like canine behaviour but it ain't coming from the pooch doing time in the kennel!

25-Sep-06, 23:12
Heavens, I thought this thread had died out weeks ago but then perhaps its just like an old bone buried in the garden that keeps getting dug up again because its just too tasty and requires some reacquaintance.
Now that's very like canine behaviour but it ain't coming from the pooch doing time in the kennel!

Love that touch, Errogie. For now (having done the bathroom - twice and catching some nice bass) I am out of the dog house and back in my basket by the stove. Actually, I am on my own this week - the 'boss' (nice touch that, don't you think?) is away on company business. So, I watch my progs, cook what I want and go to bed nice and late. Hmm, mmm! :)

25-Sep-06, 23:19
Love that touch, Errogie. For now (having done the bathroom - twice and catching some nice bass) I am out of the dog house and back in my basket by the stove. Actually, I am on my own this week - the 'boss' (nice touch that, don't you think?) is away on company business. So, I watch my progs, cook what I want and go to bed nice and late. Hmm, mmm! :)

You two just didn't want a woman having the last word!

25-Sep-06, 23:20
You two just didn't want a woman having the last word!

Ahh, little chance of that I think. ;)