View Full Version : No more Oil !!

10-Jun-10, 20:38
So when do we concede?

Oil and other fossil fuels are a finite resource, even though the oil companies are coy about how much they have, it is generally agreed that it is going to run out sometime.

So when do we slow down?
Has anyone thought about how they're going to manage without petrol, diesel, gas & heating oil?

The impact on, well, pretty much everything. Manufacturing, packaging, transportation, agriculture, security & civil defence (Police & fire brigade).

Could we end up living in a Mad Max kind of world?
Would there be rural communities?
What about emergency healthcare, ambulances & air ambulance!

The impact of no or minimal oil reserves would be huge and affect pretty much everything we take for granted today.

How far away is it before we cannot afford to fuel our cars? (I know that seems like now, but seriously, if petrol was only for the filthy rich)

This is not about climate change or 'green' energy and renewable's but simply when the oil runs out, what are we gonna do?

10-Jun-10, 20:49
Well the people in the know don't seem to be worried. With european cars: Mercs, BMW, VW, getting ever bigger more powerful engines. The yanks reverting to type and a big resurgence in V8 muscle cars, even the Japanese and Italians getting in on the act. The very slow sales of hybrid and electric cars and even slower development of proper alternatives like Hydrogen fuel cells, you would think there wasn't a problem.

I said 20 years ago we should stop building cars as we had enough to last the oil-wrong!

I don't know how old you are phill but I don't think it is going to be your problem :eek:

10-Jun-10, 21:12
I don't think it is going to be your problem

But shouldn't it be our problem?
Were only looking after things for our kids and grandkids, right?

Margaret M.
10-Jun-10, 21:27
Has anyone thought about how they're going to manage without petrol, diesel, gas & heating oil?

By the time we run out, we will have flitted to another planet to continue our plundering and polluting ways.

If sea levels rise as some have predicted, the remaining land mass will support only two billion people, that will cut consumption rather severely.

10-Jun-10, 22:08
But shouldn't it be our problem?
Were only looking after things for our kids and grandkids, right?

I don't have any-might change my name to Jack :eek:

10-Jun-10, 22:11
Fuel is but a part of the oil industry... think of all the plastics we take for granted... paint - almost all electronics - and electrical goods - and packageing - life with-out oil would be like before oil was discovered...

Damn that Jed Clampitt


10-Jun-10, 22:17
Life existed before all the things mentioned which are derived from petro-chemicals. It shall have to again if we are to survive!

10-Jun-10, 22:41
Fuel is but a part of the oil industry... think of all the plastics we take for granted... paint - almost all electronics - and electrical goods - and packageing - life with-out oil would be like before oil was discovered...

Damn that Jed Clampitt

We could get all of those things from the hemp plant.

11-Jun-10, 00:33
Yeah, science & big business will find a way around these problems, most likely charging us double for their efforts of course!